Friday, July 23, 2010

ElzoHarm Art (No. 11)

We are the Bug Boys, come knocking on your door
Don't be surprised we're standing here
Instead of crawling on the floor
Or buzzing near your ear
Like in our normal biosphere...

If you give us all your fruit and sweets
We won't come-round no more
Until sometime later, when we've won the war
Occupy the playgrounds and streets
Establish our insect elites
And run things from the Walmart Store

We are the Bug Boys, we bring good news
No need to fear or fret
With insect wisdom we know how to use
The planet you humans abuse
It's not too late, we'll save things yet...

But meanwhile you need to stay inside
Stay off the radios, swallow your pride,
Sit back and enjoy, the entomological ride...

1 comment:

  1. I'm having some problems with the Bug Boys in my house right now --- I guess I'll just sit back and continue to enjoy the "entomological ride" ;)
