Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Dregs Of The End Of The Day

I haven't done wearing out
This day of mine, so long
But so short, it's all about
Deep breaths and finishing strong,
Fight through fatigue and doubt,
Fueled-on by caffeine,
Comforted by dopamine...
I will wear out this day,
Squeeze each moment, play
Each chance, unable to stop
Lest sleep intervene...


  1. This is exactly how my day felt today and at dinner I drank coffee to make it through the night shift at the library...later I will deeply regret the sipping of that energy giving elixir


  2. Done the same thing myself! This poem cane to me as I was getting to the end of a long and busy day, and I was thinking I would wear the day out, vice it wearing-out me... Each day is a treasure, but some are better than others, and some can be downright scary!
