Didn’t you hear the siren, the claxon, the bell..!?
Chaos and destruction are approaching
Like a bull-dozer of death from Hell…
The earth starts to shake, with panic encroaching
Into the formerly well-ordered-stable peace
We considered our birthright, our world
Of commerce and fun, where comfort’s increase
Was assured over time, and assumed
Would continue, until a subterranean tectonic crease
Shifted and released the violence which will now consume
All that lies before it -- perhaps sparing our lives…
So hear the siren scream, the claxon squawk
The loudspeaker stressing “Run! Don’t walk!”
And we scamper and limp toward the higher ground
As death’s brown dust billows all around…
We, who now we realize, were the fools
To ignore our ancestors’ warnings not build
On the low lands by the sea,
Which, after the black tsunami has killed,
Will be nothing but rubble and pools,
Testament to the fierce power of Nature,
And its incontestable forces and rules…
We who, wet and shivering, must now
Find a new way ahead, somehow…