Sunday, February 28, 2021

Didn't See It Coming

The reality of the situation
Became apparent, gradually,
People became aware of it,
Only to a certain degree,
As if there was a sense
Of safety in ignorance...

Crossroads Mall, 1974

Escape to the mall
To shop and cavort,
Partake of fine dining 
In the food court,
No signs of impending 
Retail collapse,
Dacron-clad elders 
Steadily walk their laps...

Saturday, February 27, 2021


Push or pull, come and go,
We choose, as the minutes flow,
And later, it’s hard to forget,
The things we’ve come to regret...

Friday, February 26, 2021


Tent, tarp, car seat sheltering,
Everyday survival on the fringe,
Scrounge for cash, buy the
Wine, thankfully go on a binge,
Wake-up, somehow, and then,
Just start the journey again...


Stress, guilt, panic attacks,
Life’s too short, just put them
In a box, and relax...


Mamushi viper hunts patiently,
Inside the bamboo grove,
By the blooming plum tree...

Bedtime Futility

When lurid dreams 
Infuse and infest,
Sleeping will not
Result in rest...

Thursday, February 25, 2021


Gray sky above the city park
Still air, cold dry and clear,
Pigeons rest in a group on the ground,
Old men drink their morning beer...

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Prophesies and predictions 
From the political cult,
All mistaken, unfulfilled,
A predictable result...

Monday, February 22, 2021


Virus trying to survive, 
Searching for bodies to ride,
Which leaves us no choice
But to disinfect, hide,
Anything to keep it from
Coming inside...


Survivor on a park bench,
Totally free and homeless,
Well aware that being alone
Is different than loneliness,
Each new day has a
Ragged solitary feel,
Engaged in endless quest
For the next dumpster meal...

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Behold the nation
Beset by monsters
Of its own creation...

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Intelligent Life

Afternoon pub drunk,
Karaoke singing stars,
Meanwhile we’ve
Landed again on Mars,
Rice wine obliterating
Boredom, lost love,
Never mind the far, far
Away and above...

Thursday, February 18, 2021


In retrospect, how fragile was
Our media infused bliss,
Clicking and scrolling, while 
Falling into the abyss...


Mysterious melt holes
In Siberian permafrost,
Were the initial signs
That all was lost,
Man apes left with
No place to hide,
From the build up
Of carbon dioxide...

Saturday, February 13, 2021


Suburban man,
Domesticated completely,
Wash dishes, take out trash,
Sit down to pee...

Friday, February 12, 2021

Cold Clear

February winds can be
A clarifying thing,
Coming from the north,
With the cold that they bring...

Gray Zone

It can be plain to see
That some politicians practice 
Ethical elasticity...


Hurling through the times,
And the days go by,
Can’t explain what happened,
Let alone why,
Overwhelmed, I don’t 
Know whether to laugh or cry...

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Why We Drink

No longer able to hunt and chase,
The man-apes are trapped in rooms,
Within which they restlessly pace,
Bored to distraction as the time crawls by,
No other choice but to imbibe and get high...


Most just want to be left in peace,
Stay away from pain or losing,
Adventure, fine, as long as
It is of one's choosing...

All About Biology

Sex, pleasure, seduction,
Agents in the service of the
Department of reproduction...