The game works best with
From four to seven boys
(girls are also O.K.
For PC purposes, but beware,
You have to be able to play...)
Also need one American football
(although a rugby ball could
Substitute), then all is good,
Because now you can play
"Rush And Schmuck" in pretty much
Any kind of grassy area, or yard,
Even when it's muddy green
Or snowy frozen hard...
It just depends on how much
Punishment the young hominid bodies
Can take, and the rules, such
As they are, exemplify simplicity
Of kinetic motion, physical strength,
Will to win, tactical duplicity,
And they are that one boy stands
Over the football, with all the others
Behind him, bends down, without looking
Back, takes the ball in his hands,
And throws/tosses/drops it rearward
Over his head, and when it lands
The fun begins, where the boy who
Picks it up runs toward the designated goal,
While all the others try to subdue
Or tackle the runner, and once he is down,
The runner gets back up to renew
The process, by throwing the ball back
Over his head to the rest of the crew,
Who, increasingly hyped and dirtied await
To test their speed and skills, tempt fate,
To score the miraculous touchdown,
Against heavy odds -- that, is Rush And Schmuck.