Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Can be a form of

Be Cool

As things turned out
She was smart to wait
Watch the unfolding
Let things percolate...

Border Zone

Drift off to a place
Between consciousness
And something fuzzier,
Something less,
Strange mix of
Asleep and awake,
Ripples on a cool
Smooth lake...

Management Perogative

Sometimes a demand
Will masquerade
As a command...

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Morale Raising Session

Mix the apple juice
With the gin,
Add the ice,
And fun times begin,
All focused on
The moment we’re in,
It is what it is,
I think, with a grin...


Warm wind stirring the humidity,
Air conditioners’ hot breath humming,
Sparrow bathing in a rain puddle,
Peaceful, before the typhoon’s coming...

By Mabori Kaigan Station

Old man on the bench
Watching things go by,
Not too concerned about
The what or the why,
Stuff on the news
Which gives folks fits,
Not a worry, here,
Where he sits...

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Out Of Control

Oh, my wayward child...
And as much as I try to protect,
Sometimes I can only
Delay or deflect,
What seems bound to happen,
Cause and effect...

Monday, July 22, 2019

鎌倉 Kamakura

At the Zen temple
All thoughts dismiss
Open the void
Jump into the abyss

Tiny Survival

Split-second decisions
Constant stress
Speed and movement
Nothing less
Hunt for food
Till a day is through
Life on Earth
From a sparrow's view

Here Comes The Sun

Humid air in place
And ready to greet
The arrival of
Summer's heat

Before It's Too Late

Time is merciless
Moves too fast
So live each day
Like it was your last

Stick To It

Events sometimes
Discourage, deny,
But still, you
Continue to try...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Area 51

The desert seems death-like,
Wind’s hot whisper sound,
Weird rocks and cacti hide
What’s hidden underground,
Inside the security zone,
And the unreported place,
Where they keep the
Aliens from outer space...

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Tower Of Power

I pause, in awe, in
The department store,
And its wall of cosmetics,
Which, I stand before,
Countless chemicals
Sold to women’s pride,
War paint, powders, serums.
To augment, or, to hide,
A monument to the fact
That beauty is not inside...


Trapped in uncertainty, suspended,
Waiting for the diagnosis,
Wishing this tension was ended...

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Be Seated

Supermarket bench, an old lady
Pleasure-gasps, involuntarily,
After sitting herself and
Her things down heavily,
Grateful for the break in her
Battle against gravity...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Protective Instinct

Scared off its perch in surprise,
Chased by a small swallow,
How fast the big crow flies...

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Youth & Biology

She is gorgeous, he’s so handsome,
The prettiest couple you’ll ever meet,
But based on the law of averages,
One of them is bound to cheat...

Cool Spot

On the Toei Subway platform
There is a certain ceiling vent,
Which blows down cool air,
So that's where I always went,
Just a small life-pleasure
Which is sometimes sent,
Freely, by chance, and I
Could temporarily forget,
The summer heat, as the
Vent blow-dried my sweat...