Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Waiting for a bus,
For the next thing,
Standing here, all of us,
What will it bring?
The future a fall breeze
Caressing our faces,
Rustling the turning trees
Alone in the verdant places,
Feels so transient, vulnerable,
The trees and us, alive,
And breathing, waiting
For a bus to arrive...

Rat Race

Morning commuters driving too fast,
Impatient, in mindless haste,
Race to stop at the next red light,
Makes little sense, what a waste...


Eat, belch, fart, yawn,
Get some sleep
Before the coming dawn

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Upon reflection,
Viewed from outer space,
Humans look like a mold infection,
Spreading across Earth’s surface
In every direction,
Mold-like, spots and tendrils
Will darkly spread,
Until what nurtures
Is choked and dead...

Streamed Content

Almost hypnotized by the
Spectacle, by what you see,
A story so powerful
It becomes your reality,
Transported away from
Your worries, the mundane,
The drama becomes a
World inside your brain...

Monday, October 28, 2019

Power Politics

What is real?
What is fake?
Truth is tactical,
Something you make,
Cajole, accuse,
Promise and lie,
Survival rules of
The Swamp apply...

Millennial Spat

Their confrontation,
Done via iPhone texts,
Instead of conversation,

Immature, raw
Emotions balking,
At the prospect of
Actually talking,

Relationship devolved
To a hand-held device,

Problem never solved...


Just a bit,
Before the lights
Get lit,
Door gets opened,
And then,
It all starts
Over again...


Fears of being hunted
And eaten, hide,
Deep in the brain where
Reptile memories reside...


Watching trash on TV,
Don’t stop to wonder why,
Make believe stories
Just help the time go by...


An instance of an
Inability to recall
Makes one wonder if it
Really happened at all

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Don’t know too little
Don’t think a lot
Just enough data
Not cold not hot
Medium brain
Is what I got

Fall Cleaning

New spring leaves in autumn
The tree outlasting the bugs,
Died in a cold snap, victory
Over the green-eating thugs,
Tree finally breathing free
Six-legged parasites
Evicted permanently...

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reality Check

A man’s reason for existence,
His meaning of life,
Tends to get bracketed
And defined by his wife...


Brain and bladder
Contrive to keep,
Me from getting
A good night’s sleep...


Ruled by my stomach,
Basically, a slave,
Laboring to ingest
What my taste-buds crave...


Killing time, sitting here,
Waiting for a meeting,
Drinking ice-cold beer

Thoughts and memories fly
Randomly, insect-like,
As the minutes go by

And I can’t escape this
Moment, even if I try....

Post Equinox

Dry air mass descending
As the seasons rearrange
And it just feels so good
To be cool for a change...

Monday, October 14, 2019

Morning After

From a lovely, vivid
Dream, he wakes,
Forgets it immediately
As morning breaks,
Lost dream leaving
A delicious taste,
But no much else,
Oh what a waste...


Light and dark
Beauty can exist
In the bright and stark