Friday, April 29, 2022

Office Politics

It was later determined that
What led to her fall
Was the toxic email
She sent: Reply To All...

Facial Musculature

The situation,
Or fix, you are in,
May force a smile,
Or unleash a grin,
Or, an absurd yaw,
In events,
Spurs a guffaw...  


Way-too-early sunrise,
Beckoned out of peaceful bed,
Rub my sleepy eyes...

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Blow the klaxon,
All hands on deck,
May be a false alarm,
But what the heck,
It's all about the thrill,
Of surviving, of learning
From the drill...


Who are we?  How did we
Get here, and why?
Can't find good answers,
No matter how hard I try...

Monday, April 25, 2022


An unseaworthy boat,
Dared to sail on the sea,
The waves soon detecting
Its vulnerability,
Forced open a lethal
Leak, inexorably,
Thereafter, the boat's
Floundering and sinking,
All hands sucked under,
What was the captain thinking...?

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Mall Patrol

She strides ahead smartly,
In charge of our shopping mission,
Me pushing the merchandise cart,
In a trailing position...


Human relationships,
And family affairs,
Require preventive maintenance,
Occasionally, repairs...

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Pink Snow

Vernal winds blow,
As Spring is all around,
White-pink cherry blossoms
Scattered on the ground...

Friday, April 22, 2022


She felt the situation
Hadn't changed,
Rather, somehow things
Got rearranged...

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Center Of Excellence

In my lower back and
Legs, the constant pain,
All for the smooth flow
Of "our" supply chain,
My physical sacrifice,
Offered on the altar
Of consumer paradise... 

Tik Tok

Advertised as a
Harmless, hand-held diversion,
Turned out to be a mix
Of subversion, perversion,
Personal information as
Click-bait and compromised,
All in an endless quest
To get monetized...

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Broken Peace

Improbable, unthinkable,
Surely nevermore,
And then it exploded,
A cruel European war... 


Is brain-fever

Spring Weather

One April day is wet and warm,
Next day the cold winds blow,
Nature's schizophrenia,
Meteorological quid-quo-pro... 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


From the pit of your stomach,
To up behind your eyes,
The power of fear to
Nauseate and paralyze...

Friday, April 8, 2022


Long ago, unintentionally
Inflicted pain,
Memories, unresolved,
Unforgiven, remain,
Slow fading, but
Indelible, stain...

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Islands In The Stream

Sort of miraculous, to
Remember what it was all about,
And leave a written record,
Before passing out...


Sad proof of human cruelty,
That blood will have blood,
Are the murdered civilians,
Lying in the Ukrainian mud...

Early Birds

Early morning,
The crows begin
Their dialogue
On top of the garbage bin...


The impending problem,
Was undetected, unseen,
So their outlook was
Mistakenly serene...