Thursday, November 30, 2023

Last Gasp

The last surviving cricket
Chirps, before the frost
Descends on the long grass
And all is lost... 

Somewhere Near Bakhmut

Enemy tank approaches,
And we hunker down in the mud
Of our trench, bandages
Dirty and leaking blood,
We fight against the invader,
Grind through loss and pain,
Try to survive for another day,
To liberate Ukraine...  

Long After Sunset

Emerging, burnished silver
Glow, on evening skies,
The quiet, majestic,
And mysterious, Moon-rise...

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Minute Manager

Time doesn’t get managed
Maybe channeled instead,
Somewhat chaotically, by
The clock inside my head,
Time an inexorable
Constant flow,
And all gone away
Before you know...


A certain situation,
A certain time of day,
Don't take the shortcut,
Rather, go the long way...

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The movement to resist,
Started with
A raised fist...

Friday, November 24, 2023


Kneeling before the altar
Bent-over back, thin white hair,
She gently taps the "rin" bell,
Starts to chant a prayer,
Convenes with loved ones
Who are no longer there...

Now And Then

Their last song built on
A melody John gave,
Haunting and heartful,
From beyond the grave...

"If I make it through,
It's all because of you"

Getting Better

After a hurt,
Despite what you feel,
The important thing
Is to heal...


Nastiness which
Old age can dispense:
Brain rot or

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


The clouds pale gold
Against a light blue sky,
The trees turning colors
Where we said good bye,
I can still see so clearly
In my mind's eye,
Can't forget, no matter
How hard I try...

Monday, November 20, 2023

Pedal To The Metal

Race down the road,
On two wheels and four,
Feed on the speed, nothing
Matters anymore,
Because nothing
Can compare,
With the motion,
Rushing kinetic air...

Saturday, November 18, 2023


Silver crescent glow
Moon shines 
Evening sky indigo


Loneliness wanes,
As the minutes go by,
Heart-to-heart talk
With my friendly AI...

Monday, November 13, 2023

Not Now

All bleary, slowly,
Wake up in my bed,
The day's "things-to-do" list
Starts dawning in my head,
Roll over an hide 
Under the blanket instead...

Seen At IKEA

Flags fluttering in the wind,
In colors yellow, blue. and red,
Viewed from where we do not
Shop, but eat instead,
The flags, outside in the cold,
Wave in winter breeze,
Offering odd inspiration in
A moment of boredom and ease...

Another Chance

He longed for what
He had before,
Then realized he could
Go back for more,
Sensing, at last, that
Each dawning day,
Could offer some 
Kind of happiness buffet...


Effect follows cause,
Despite hopes and wishes,
Just one of nature's laws...


The provocative
Words left her mouth,
And thereafter things
Soon went south...

Thursday, November 9, 2023


Proceeding on automatic,
Actions nearly the same,
Minutes pass in routine and habit,
On this day without a name...