Sunday, December 31, 2023

Ethnic Displacement

Indigenous, we were there first,
We fought the encroachers,
But the outcome was the worst,
Ancestral lands unsaved,
We tried to resist,
Pain would result, blood spilled,
But we lost despite the
Number of squatters killed...

New Year's In Tokyo

One second past midnight,
It's a new year, new day,
Five minutes of excitement,
We toast and kiss and play,
We celebrate the moment
Of change, with Champagne,
Party on, until it's time
To catch the final train...

Looking Ahead

What will the new year bring?
More problems, to be sure,
Or cures, that would be something,
But, take care, for what
Will unfold, could be anything...

Saturday, December 30, 2023


After a long spell
Of cold and dry,
Morning rain kindly falls
From a gray wet sky...


A nation transfixed, following the
Young men running up, then down,
Hakone mountain, competing for the
Long distance relay crown,
Along the race route crowds cheer,
In the cold clear air of the New Year...   


Holiday Dinner Rules

Family gathering, to prevent   
Becoming angered, annoyed,
Talk about politics, religion,
We all must try to avoid...


Shrine ground, holy trees,
Sway in the winter breeze, 
Leaves which do not fall,
Cold, green, glisten,
Clap hands at the altar,
The neighborhood Kami's listen...

Global Warming

Way too hot, the summer of
Two Thousand Twenty Three,
All spent indoors,
Air conditioned, continually...

Friday, December 29, 2023

As Things Revolve

The morning of the day
Before the New Year's Eve,
Gather and burn bad
Memories, get ready to leave,
What was once the now,
That will turn into the past somehow...


A long day ended,
Actions finished,,
Energy expended,
I lie in my bed,
Motionless, suspended...

Monday, December 25, 2023

Silver Years

Seventy and still working, 
Give it all I've got,
Better than stuck at home,
With boredom, mind rot…

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Eastern Front

Waves of mobilized infantry meat,
Assault into the ordnance hail,
They die in great numbers,
For no victory, to no avail,
Lessons from World War One
Forgotten, or somehow lost,
So the hapless bullet-sponge
Soldiers, now pay the bloody cost…

Friday, December 22, 2023


Harder to get up, now
That I'm getting old,
But outside my window,
Sparrows don't mind the cold,
They fly to survive
On seeds, bugs, bread,
While I lie warm and
Wavering in my bed...


Cold, windless morning,
After the year's longest night,
Now it shall begin, the long
Slow lengthening of the light...


Coffee Or Tea?

A suspended
State I'm in,
Waiting for the
Caffeine to kick-in...

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Cold and dry
Winter sun shine,
Last year's dust
Swept off the shrine
By a busy cleaning
Priest, who strives,
To purify, before
The New Year arrives...


Dozed out in the mall,
Half-asleep in a chair,
Daydreams of being 
Somewhere else than there...

After Black Friday

Christmas shopping,
And it feels odd and queer,
That the more I buy, the
More I feel holiday cheer...

Wednesday, December 13, 2023


New Moon, black,
Hiding its light,
Floats, invisible
Across the sky at night...


Mysterious creative
Energies surge,
After which words
Images, ideas emerge...

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Such a carefree, innocent
Place we were in,
Before we learned
About a thing called sin,
And the cathedral of guilt,
Which it built...


Inexplicable, and
Not nice at all,
The cringey memories
You always recall,
Somewhere in
Your brain they stay,
And never seem
To go away...

Battle of Old Age

To retire can mean
To retreat,
Avoid attacks,
And instead relax...