Saturday, August 31, 2024


The sound of thunder,
As a storm comes near,
Oddly comforting
Along with the fear,
It brings cool air to
Douse the heat down here...

Friday, August 30, 2024


A surreal surprise,
The world I can see
When I close my eyes...


New day, opportunity!
Time to begin,
This old body ready,
But before charging in,
Remember to take
Your medicine... 


Waning summer,
Few cicadas left alive,
A time when
Bell crickets arrive...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


They gather at the Shrine,
In mid-August heat,
On the day of their
Country's long-ago defeat...

Lined up, silently sweating
They patiently wait,
To bow at the altar
Beyond the Torii gate...  

Memories of loss,
Defeat in war,
Linger a longer time,
Weigh more...

Fragile Freedom

They were totally surprised by
The government intervention,
Too high, too busy playing,
Not paying attention...

Taking for granted
Their right to have fun,
Ignoring the politics,
As it all came undone...

Monday, August 26, 2024


Into the East Capitol,
Morning mass migration,
Overcrowded roads and trains,
Samurai commuter nation...

Summer In Ukraine

Huddled in a tunnel,
Under a fearsome sky,
Where Russian drones
And missiles fly,
They then drop down
To blast and kill,
Cruelly, randomly,
Where they will...

Self Adjustment

Refuse to be constricted,
Defined, by one's race,
Or the contours, shapes
Of body and face...

Look in the mirror at
This thing called me,
Then try to understand
What others see...

Gather up gumption
And make a plan,
To adjust, improve,
And change what I can...

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunset Flights

Day end twilight,
Swarm of gnats,
Soon to be supper
For the bats...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Usually seconds and minutes,
But sometimes, cruelly, hours,
Are the time units of our lives
Which a day quickly devours...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Humpty Dumpty

Uncontrolled, careless,
Plate dropped and broken,
A morning mess...

An inauspicious way,
I sigh inside,
To start the day...

Friday, August 16, 2024

Babysitting grandkids,
They fight and play,
All good, just fine,
Brighten up my day,
Some of their DNA is mine...


So, sleep is something
Into which you fall?
But you're already
Lying down after all...


She was unable to
Recognize the obstriction
Of her tendency
Toward addiction...


The typhoon's winds
Slowly weaken and shift,
A cool soaking rain
Its parting gift...

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Ignorance protects
From the force of
Facts' effects...

Old Politician

Running into the 
Wall of old age,
And all he could 
Do was rage...

So frustrated to find,
His body could not
Keep up with his mind...

His ego ablaze
And inspired,
But the rest of him
Rusted and tired...

Lunar Colors

Crescent moon, glowing,
Soft-shining through,
Sunset pastel clouds
Light orange and blue...

Monday, August 5, 2024

Risk Management

Despite admonitions of
Honorable notions,
We ended up just
Going through the motions,
Opting, instead, to do,
What was tried and true...