Sunday, March 23, 2025


The return of Spring
Not just about plants,
Or flowers, but also
Appearance of ants,
And the other insects
Which green resurrects...


Yes, of course, my dear,
Eternally yours,
With love (and fear)...

Saturday, March 22, 2025


To be, or not to be,
A stark choice,
Or useless sophistry...?


She mainly wanted
To be left alone,
With her thoughts
And a smart phone,
Carefully preserving
Her safety bubble,
Human connections
Just too much trouble...

Friday, March 21, 2025


Roll out of bed, and
Balance -- steady, steady,
What? How can it be
A Saturday already,
Rub eyes, shaking head
Summoning some pain,
The dregs of last night's
Bacchanalia remain,
Bathroom, then kitchen,
A new day must begin,
But first thing fortify with
Coffee and aspirin...

Office Haiku

The challenges a workday sends,
How to handle them,
Well, that all depends...

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Somewhere Near Kursk

Isolated, surrounded, recognizing
The hopeless situation he's in,
Being taken prisoner not an option,
So, he reaches deep within,
For the strength, and with a sigh
Of resignation, pulls the pin...

Monday, March 17, 2025

Saint Paddy's Day

What have we here?
Shots of Jameson,
Cold green beer,
This, our crazy day
Of Irish cheer,
Drink until the
Leprechauns appear...


Some of us
Step lighter,
And the flame
Burns brighter,
Can't stay quiet,
Can't keep still,
Just run ahead to 
Where what will...

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Moments at The Surfrider

Jet-lag-sedated in a wicker rocking chair,
Lazy-gazing, bemused and transfixed,
At the colorful tropical human
Cocktail, being stirred and mixed,
By the common urge to roam within,
The veteran colonnaded lobby, full
Of various shades of untanned skin,
Bulging T-shirt, flowered dress,
All aloha-urged toward their leisure,
In the Trade Winds' caress,
Hurry, the luau drums starting,
Hibiscus, pork, and mindlessness...
- - - - -
(Note: This is a revised version of a poem written on May 17, 2012)

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Few things are more
Dangerous in life,
Than an angry, lonely
Man with a knife...

Solitary, un-loved,
He eventually kills,
His pain exploding
As random blood spills...

Group Panic

Bird screaming, suddenly,
Starlings launch up
From the tree...

Then, based on something
They mysteriously learn,
The Starlings, to a different
Tree, circle, and return...

Wednesday, March 12, 2025


I sometimes wonder,
Where and when,
I feel happiness,
Now and then...

Friday, March 7, 2025

Gray Matter

From where comes the
Instinct to flee or fight,
Or the urge to create,
To paint, to write,
All of it comes from
Somewhere deep inside,
Our uncharted brains.
Where gods reside...


I get the feeling, sometimes,
That my life is like a show,
Whether it's high drama, or dark
Comedy, I do not know...

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Grandpa's Leg

Small grandchild hugging
My leg, looks above,
At me, with happy eyes,
Unconditional love...

So precious, such
Small innocent trust,
But evanescent,
For change it must,
As I can only 
Protect so long,
And the child must
Turn hard and strong...


The hell with this crap,
Turn the thing off,
Go take a nap...


Something's off, confused
Unsettled air,
Of which she's only
Slightly, dimly aware,
Her mind in a state
Of mild disrepair...

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


First gulp of cold beer
Refreshes, always does,
Those thereafter diminish,
But enjoy the buzz...

Modern Society

The priceless luxury
Of being alive,
And not having to
Struggle to survive,
Lucky to dwell
In a welfare state,
While others face
A more dismal fate...

Our Gift

A compassionate curse
The creator gods sent,
By making us
Man apes sentient...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Hippie wisdom's legacy,
Drop out and vegetate,
Merge with music, in a
Chemically altered state,
Always feed the munchies,
And medicate...


Rain and bluster,
South winds bring,
Winter receding,
Arrival of Spring...

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Old mother grieving over
Her son, lately slain,
Refuses to accept it was
Wrong or in vain,
Her son, lost while
Obeying the command,
To baselessly attack
A neighboring land,
She will neither regret
Nor understand...


Sleep, like a finicky ghost,
Sometimes spirits away,
When you need it the most,
And you're left in a
Wrack, insomniac,
Until mysteriously, the
Ghost comes back...

Friday, February 21, 2025

IT's Blessing

No one here, all alone,
But converse with the universe
Through my phone...


Hardly making a sound,
Solitary starling pecks
At crumbs  on the ground...

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Our ongoing, baffling,
Streaming affliction,
Subsumed by, and stressed
Over works of fiction,
Enchanted, engrossed by
The tales they weave,
Forgetting the fact they
Are just make believe...


Get ready for a new day,
Check off mental action list,
Wondering which, this
Time, I will have missed,
Different, I suppose, than
The omission before,
As I hurry to prepare
To go out the door...

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Invisible Force

Oh, to be free,
Of the pull,
Of gravity,
To which we,

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Being one of them,
No longer one of us,
I'm handcuffed and
Riding on a bus,
Being transported,
By executive order,
To another side
Of a border...

Friday, February 14, 2025

Off The Leash?

Dogs, leashed by lonely ones,
Meet others, doing a walk,
The dogs sniff introductions,
While the owners sit and talk,
Dogs, calm, surrender to the
Instinct of the packs,
Only to get excited when
An owner offers snacks…

Ebb Tide

Small waves ripple and whisper,
As they expire on the pier,
A calm ocean, blue turning
Aquamarine, is nothing to fear,
Rather gasp at its beauty,
All calm, now and here…

Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Great Plains

Prairie, oceans of grass,
Over which buffalo herds
And prancing antelope pass...

Changed slowly, inexorably,
By the foreigners' arrival,
And the plowing under
To ensure their survival...

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Self Destruction

In retrospect,
Internal combustion engines
Produced an effect,
Disastrous, but impossible
To deflect...

Mobility's illusion
Of being happy, free,
Masking a more
Toxic reality...


Cold cleansing rain
In the middle of the night,
Falls unheeded,
Falls out of sight,
Leaves a glistening
For the morning light...

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Park Bench

The pigeon jerky-struts
Towards the piece of bread,
But a quick moving sparrow,
Takes it away instead...

To Write A Poem

Inhale, exhale,
Then dig deep,
Down to where
Miracles sleep,
Where burning
Feelings keep, 
Down to the
Mystic fire,
Where words,
Ideas, inspire...

Friday, February 7, 2025


Open window, ventilate the
Room, freshen the air,
February cold invades,
Flows around everywhere...

And me, I jump
Back in bed,
Pull the blanket
Over my head...


Neon like flashing lights,
Excite a game of pinball,
Morphed into a video game,
The silver ball bearings fall,
And when it hits a payoff,
Music triumphs crescendo,
And all would be OK if that
Were the finish, the endo,
But no such luck, because
From the very beginning,
The odds of losing are greater
Than those of winning...

Keikyu Miura Beach Center

Empty tourist beach,
Business plans abandoned,
Profits out of reach...

So different now from
When crowds would throng,
Onto the sand, under the Sun,
Now gone, adieu, so long,
Leisure dreams undone...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Rice Wine 日本酒 (Rev 1)

First cup, the man drinks the wine,
Second cup, the wine drinks the wine,
Third cup, the wine drinks the man,
Happens regardless of intent or plan...

And if things unfold in a harmless way,
The drowned will somewhere safely sleep
Until waking up the following day,
With thirst and discomfort, dizzy and deep...

Saturday, January 25, 2025


Spandex really doesn't hide,
Cellulite, or a body that
Is just too round or wide...

"Curvey" and "Plus sized"
Words used instead of obese,
Fat being made fashionable,
Will wonders never cease...

Friday, January 24, 2025


How does nothing "happen"?
Unlike action or accident
It has no kinetic effect,
Nothing is null, a non-event...


The fearful immensity of it all,
Occasionally captured in thought,
On the other hand, mercifully
Ignored, more often than not,
Our passions, pains, loves, and
Dreams, adding up to aught...

Covert Operation

Undetected was the
Aliens' descent,
Quiet abductions,
Then their ascent...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Out in the cold, life sap
Starts moving inside,
Waking sleeping blossoms,
The plum trees abide,
Slow nurturing the buds
In which their flowers hide...

The Grind

The harder you have 
To work to survive,
The more you 
Actually feel alive,
Push through pain,
Pass the test,
Appreciate the luxury
Of sleep and rest... 

D.C. in January

Political revenge,
Enemies fired,
Lawyers lined up,
Yes men hired,
Same old drama
Sad and tired...


Pre-dawn, lying back,
Staying still,
What will happen, will...

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Retail Emergency

Critical shopping overload,
Mission abort, abort!
Execute emergency landing
On chair in the food court,
Regroup, reassess the
Situation while I can,
Then refocus on conducting
My egress plan...


Don't cower before the
Demons looming large,
Buckle your helmet, grab
Your sword, and charge!


Gaze at the other side, where
Riches shine and blaze,
But before you cross that road,
Be sure to look both ways...

Friday, January 17, 2025

Now Playing

In addition to all the
Stress, angst, and pain,
Politics has the
Ability to entertain,
Which is something
Old media knows,
As it manipulates
The news-talk shows...

Azure is a word
For blue,
As is cerulean,
I never knew...

Thursday, January 16, 2025


Breezy cold and sunny,
Ocean wavelets glimmer,
Palm fronds wave,
Sway, shiver, shimmer,
On this winter's day,
Spring still months away...


Hop, step, jump!
Grab a gold ring,
Or land in a dump...

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Smile and bow,
Instead of embrace,
Love confined
In personal space,
Minimize friction,
Saving face...

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Paused, before 
An obstruction,
Of her mind's
Own construction,
If only
She knew,
She could walk
Right through...

Saturday, January 11, 2025


Splash cold water
On my face,
Grimace, shudder,
Gasp, and brace,
For another day of
The rodent race...

Creative Writing 101

Blank screen, staring
Me in the face,
Me, bedazzled,
Sitting in place,
Waiting for something,
Lost in space...

Friday, January 10, 2025


Whether or not
You worry,
Things still move
Ahead in a hurry...